The effects of pandemic on inequalities of learning opportunities in early childhood education




Early Childhood Education , Covid-19 , Educational Opportunities , Socio-Educational Inequalities


This article discusses the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the learning opportunities of children enrolled in preschool in the Brazilian context. The preliminary results presented are based on ongoing research including a sample of 77 public, subsidized non for profit and common private schools and 2,070 children in two cities. Data collected from questionnaires to teachers and parents are used to map the schools’ pedagogical strategies, their communication with families, and the home learning environment of families with different socioeconomic profiles. The results show inequalities in access to learning opportunities and possible implications for the increase of educational inequalities at the beginning of compulsory schooling.


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How to Cite

Koslinski, M. C., & Bartholo, T. L. (2021). The effects of pandemic on inequalities of learning opportunities in early childhood education. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 32, e08314.



Thematic Section: Education in Times of Pandemic