A Daycare Need Index for brazilian municipalities, 2018-2020
Educational Statistics, Educational Needs, Educational OpportunitiesAbstract
This article aims to present the Daycare Need Index [Índice de Necessidade de Creches – INC] for Brazilian municipalities from 2018 to 2020. The INC is built according to priority criteria for daycare provision, which include children living in urban areas, from families who fall under the following categories: poor; single-parented; and with an economically active mother or primary caregiver. The analysis for 2018 showed that, in the North and Northeast regions, municipalities with higher rates in the poverty component of the INC were more prevalent, while single parenthood and labor market were more important in the other regions. In addition, the largest differentials between INC and daycare enrollment rate were found mainly in the North and Northeast regions in 2018.
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