Social skills and empathy in basic education teachers




Social Skills, Empathy, Teachers


This study aimed to assess the repertoire of social skills and empathy in 94 basic education teachers. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study using the Social Skills Inventory-2- Del-Prette and the Empathy Inventory. Based on the sample, 62,7% had above average or average social skills and 37,2% were referred to social skills training. Empathy had high scores and altruism was above average (95%). Negative correlations were identified between social skills and altruism, whereas positive correlations were identified between social skills and affective sensitivity and perspective-taking. It was concluded that most teachers had satisfactory social skills and empathy. Nevertheless, deficient indexes found in a portion of the sample need to be improved.


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How to Cite

Heck, C., Zorzo, A., Oliveira, C. R. de, & Wagner, M. F. (2024). Social skills and empathy in basic education teachers. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 35, e10501.


