Connected to Nature: a proposal for a gamified assessment activity




Gamification, Learning Assessment , Language Teaching


To keep up with the revolution generated by new technologies, learning-assessment- -teaching need to adapt to emerging uses and needs. This context, associated with the pandemic scenario and the adoption of remote instruction, has allowed us to discern dialogues between gamification concepts and assessment oriented toward the learning of languages. This paper aims to identify intersections among the theories, and to demonstrate them through a project developed by students (pre-intermediate level adult learners) of a language institute, in the second semester of 2020. The results demonstrate the students’ motivation and the development of linguistic and socioemotional competences, and of digital literacy. The expectation is to draw attention to the combined use of the theories in question in the field of education.


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How to Cite

Saito, L. M. ., & Batista, E. G. (2022). Connected to Nature: a proposal for a gamified assessment activity. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 33, e08171.


