Analysis of the multiple choice items of the Enade 2016 tests




Higher Education, Enade, Measurement Techniques, Item Analysis


The objective was to investigate whether the format of an item, the required cognitive level and the item’s position in the Enade 2016 test affect the results, including the probability of invalidation. The items were classified according to format and cognitive level, based on the literature and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Post-test administration measures were used: difficulty and discrimination indices. Regarding format, it was found that assertion-reason items were more difficult, single answer items had a slightly greater average for discrimination capacity, and one third of the assertion-reason items were invalidated. As for cognitive level, the two indices have lower averages in items of analysis, and the proportion of invalidated items of this level is higher. The hypothesis that the position of an item in the test affects the result was rejected.


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Author Biographies

Kaizô Iwakami Beltrão, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil

Doutor em Estatística por Princeton University. Professor pleno na EBAPE/FGV. Chefe da Estatística na Fundação Cesgranrio.

Monica Cerbella Freire Mandarino, Fundação Cesgranrio, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil

Doutora em Educação pela PUC-Rio. Professora aposentada da Escola de Educação da Unirio. Supervisora de Projetos Educacionais da Fundação Cesgranrio.


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How to Cite

Beltrão, K. I., & Mandarino, . M. C. F. (2023). Analysis of the multiple choice items of the Enade 2016 tests. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 34, e07951.


