Quality of multiple-choice items used in a Progress Test





Higher Education , Learning Assessment , Multiple Choice Test


This article aims to analyze and discuss the quality of multiple-choice items prepared for a Progress Test, through the quali-quantitative analysis of 100 items. The results show a predominance of the dimension of conceptual knowledge and the cognitive domain synthesized by the verb “understand”, analyzed by the Revised Bloom Taxonomy, and 44% of the items are in accordance with the technical guidelines for the elaboration of multiple-choice items. According to Classical Test Theory, KR20 was 0.835, difficulty (P) 0.496, and discrimination index 0.240. The test presented a good reliability index, with suitable item difficulty. Special attention should be given to the discrimination index and the writing of the questions in order to improve these parameters for the items in general.


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How to Cite

Tombi, E. C. N. de A., Zukowsky-Tavares, C., & Ferreira-Gerab, I. (2022). Quality of multiple-choice items used in a Progress Test . Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 33, e07533. https://doi.org/10.18222/eae.v33.7533


