Evaluation of sociomoral values in teachers in a municipal education system





Sociomoral Values, Levels of Attachment to Values , Item Response Theory (Irt) , Moral Education


This study aimed to identify social perspectives in moral judgments by primary and lower secondary education teachers in the municipal education system of a city in the state of Minas Gerais. We used, in a digital platform, a scale for evaluating adherence to the sociomoral values of justice, respect, solidarity and democratic coexistence, which was designed and validated by an educational research institution. Results pointed to a predominantly normative social perspective on the part of teachers. Based on such results, the teacher education program that is provided to the municipal education system should include studies on education in moral values so that teachers can progress with regard to their sociomoral perspectives.


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How to Cite

Moro, A., & Vivaldi, F. M. de C. (2021). Evaluation of sociomoral values in teachers in a municipal education system . Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 32, e07501. https://doi.org/10.18222/eae.v32.7501


