Does it make a difference? Evaluating professional development


  • Thomas R. Guskey Universidade de Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, Estados Unidos



Teachers, Professional Development, Evaluation


In this article, Thomas R. Guskey presents a proposal to evaluate teacher professional development. This topic is relevant to the Brazilian context where several initiatives of this type are implemented, and are rarely evaluated. Guskey’s proposal, the object of the book Evaluating professional development, addresses five evaluation levels: participants’ reaction; participants’ learning; organization support and change; participants’ use of new knowledge and skills; and, students’ learning outcomes. For the author, it is important to start professional development with a clear definition of the intended goals, making it possible to obtain good evidence about its contributions through the collection and analysis of information at each of the evaluation levels.


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Author Biography

Thomas R. Guskey, Universidade de Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, Estados Unidos

Thomas R. Guskey é professor de avaliação e estudos em políticas educacionais na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de Kentucky.


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How to Cite

Guskey, T. R. (2023). Does it make a difference? Evaluating professional development. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 34, e10106.


