Assessment as learning: conceptualization and mapping study




Student Evaluation , Literature Review , Conceptualization


This article presents a systematic literature review about Assessment as Learning (AaL), a process where the student becomes the center of their own path of learning. The review appraises the research conducted by Cardoso, Alarcão, and Celorico (2010) and Faria (2016). A protocol was established to select a body of 11 articles. The review had two objectives: to map the academic production on AaL, considering the period the concept was introduced and the studies published to date; map the reference authors and the journals in which the articles are published; and to analyze the conceptualization of the AaL of the reference authors. It is inferred that AaL is a recent concept and that related studies have been published mainly in the last decade, focusing on basic education.


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How to Cite

Alcântara, C. M. G., Loureiro, M. J., & Linhares, R. N. (2021). Assessment as learning: conceptualization and mapping study. Estudos Em Avaliação Educacional, 32, e07560.




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