Educational indicators and school context: an analysis of the goals of the Ideb
Educational Indicators, Ideb, Logistic Regression, Basic Education.Abstract
We aimed to relate the characteristics of schools that are associated with the probability of them achieving the objectives of the Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb) [Elementary Education Development Index] 2013. These objectives are to analyze the association of the Ideb goal with other educational indicators as well as to compare the initial and final years of elementary school. We used the following quantitative methods: descriptive statistics, Item Response Theory and logistic regression (N initial years = 36,236 schools and N final years = 29,095 schools). In the initial years, the variable with the greatest impact on the likelihood of the school achieving the Ideb goal is infrastructure. However, in the final years, the variables with the greatest impact are socioeconomic status and infrastructure. The variables function differently between the initial and final years (e.g. socioeconomic status presents positive impact in the initial years and negative in the final years). Some associations between the Ideb and other educational indicators are different when the issue in question is the goal of the Ideb.Downloads
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