World concepts and values in psychological investigation


  • José Antonio Castorina Universidad de Buenos Aires y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas – Conicet –, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Epistemology, Research, Values, Objectivity


This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics that the non-epistemic values take on psychological research, being associated with the conceptions of the world, excisionist or dialectic. Our starting point is the work of feminist epistemologists who questioned the classic positivist dichotomy between facts and values, which still predominates in psychological research. We will focus on the modus operandi of the non-epistemic values in the characterization of the problems to be studied, in the methodological choice, in the establishment of units of analysis and in the interviews. And in what will be the primary concern, as in much of the philosophy of science: is it possible to support a concept of objectivity that is different from the traditional one and that does not exclude the values, but, on the contrary, includes them?




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How to Cite

Castorina, J. . A. (2016). World concepts and values in psychological investigation. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 46(160), 362–385. Retrieved from


