Gender (a)symmetries: success and barriers in professional discourses



Gender relations, Sex difference, Success, Social inequality


Gender influences career choices and life opportunities, creating different social expectations. The same is true of visions of success, reinforcing social and professional asymmetries between women and men. To understand how conceptions of gender translate into perceptions of professional success, we conducted nine interviews, in Portugal, with residents and workers. The discourses extracted by thematic analysis were organized into three themes interconnected by the concept of gender asymmetries. We have concluded that discursive practices communicate inflexibility in gender constructions that penalize women's career development due to the overload of domestic responsibilities and the devaluation of femininity in professional paths.


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Author Biographies

Carla Alexandra F. da Silva, Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), Porto, Portugal

Mestre em Psicologia

Gil Machado, Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), Porto, Portugal

Mestre em Psicologia

Sara Isabel Magalhães, Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), Porto, Portugal

Doutora em Psicologia da Educação. Investigadora do Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto.


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How to Cite

da Silva, C. A. F., Machado, G., & Magalhães, S. I. (2021). Gender (a)symmetries: success and barriers in professional discourses . Cadernos De Pesquisa, 51, e07980. Retrieved from



Higher Education, Professions, Work