Defining a 0-6 years framework


  • Agnese Infantino Universidade de Milão Bicocca, Milão Itália


Childhood, Early Childhood Education, Pedagogy, Italy


The new Italian legislative perspective on early childhood education and preschool services – as laid down in Law 107/2015 and Decree 65/2017 – provides for an “Integrated education and schooling system from birth to six years”, thereby introducing key changes to the existing system from both the organization/management and cultural/pedagogical points of view. The definition of educational continuity, professional development of educators and teachers, local coordination of services, and setting up of childhood service hubs [“Poli dell’infanzia”] are all new themes that need to be explored and translated into concrete reality on the ground. The new regulatory framework paves the way for a new wave of experimentation and innovation, but at the same time raises critical issues for early years education and preschool services, which if unaddressed, may impede the effective creation of novel and higher quality educational opportunities for children.





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Author Biography

Agnese Infantino, Universidade de Milão Bicocca, Milão Itália

Ricercatrice, insegna Pedagogia dell’infanzia presso il Corso di studio in Scienze dell’Educazione, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione “R. Massa”, Università Milano Bicocca.



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How to Cite

Infantino, A. (2019). Defining a 0-6 years framework. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 49(174), 36–50. Retrieved from



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