Observation of effective teaching practices in the classroom: training and research
Observation, Research, Teaching Practice, Teacher EducationAbstract
In this article, the author discusses her path as a researcher of effective teaching practices and the functioning of the interactive teaching-learning process from observing a sequence of lessons. The author takes into consideration different studies conducted by CERS and CREN and by the OPEN and OPEEN & Reform networks, and presents a recent study on the observation of teaching practices in their relationships with learning (OPERA) conducted in Burkina Faso which attempts to identify the teaching practices that generate results. Based on class observations, the application of questionnaires and interviews with students, teachers and school principals, the study identified the need for training of teachers as well as other education professionals. Then, from this diagnosis, training tools were developed to assist in the analysis of practices, and to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education in sub-Saharan Africa.
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