Social representations, subjectivity and learning


  • Mohamed Chaib School of Education & Communication, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

Mots-clés :

Social Representations, Learning, Education, Subjectivity


This paper intends to investigate the extent to which the theory of social representations may define and explicate the processes of learning and instruction. The phenomena of learning and instruction have hitherto mostly been investigated and explained from the psychological theories of development and cognition. We believe that less attention has been devoted to the explanation of human learning and instruction from, for example, ethnographic, sociological or socio-psychological analysis. In this chapter we intend to reflect upon the role that can be played by the theory of social representations, particularly the phenomena of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity in the formation of the processes of human learning and instruction.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Mohamed Chaib, School of Education & Communication, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

Professor Emérito da School of Education & Communication, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden



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Comment citer

Chaib, M. (2015). Social representations, subjectivity and learning. Cadernos De Pesquisa, 45(156), 358–372. Consulté à l’adresse



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