Productivism in the age of the "publish, appear or perish": a difficult and necessary balance
Universities, Academic Production, Productivism, Plagiarism, Digital CultureAbstract
There is a new categorical imperative in the so-called society of digital culture: to exist means to be perceived in both the media and electronically. According to the logic of this new ontology, academic productivism also becomes a kind of media and performative productivism, insofar as the products and their respective authors develop into successful logos that are most viewed in the virtual environment than in others. In this scenario, and based on previous research and literature reviews, this article aims to investigate how the expression “publish or perish” becomes “publish, appear or perish”. We conclude that it becomes increasingly necessary to develop new academic production policies, so that authors can reflect critically on the concepts of productivism, plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundancy in the digital culture.
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