About the Journal
1. Brief history
Created in 1971, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas), a publication edited by Fundação Carlos Chagas (São Paulo, Brazil), was a pioneering initiative aimed at developing a communication channel between institutions and groups or people dedicated to educational research. Since then, it has become a scientific journal whose aim is to disseminate academic production in the field of education. A member of SciELO since 2003, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) is A1 in Education at Qualis Capes.
The journal’s abbreviated title is Cad. Pesqui. (Fund. Carlos Chagas), which should be used in footnotes and bibliographical references.
ISSN: 0100-1574 | e-ISSN: 1980-5314
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) adopts the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).
2. Compliance with open science
The journal has been progressively implementing practices aligned with the principles of open science:
- free access to its content;
- continuous flow of publication;
- acceptance of submission of manuscripts deposited in preprints servers; and
- declaration and publication of research data associated with the text, through data repositories recommended by SciELO.
In addition, the Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) editorial team recognizes the importance of the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. As a result, it has gradually increased its attention to transparency in its processes and to the social markers that characterize human differences throughout the editorial process adopting conduct aligned with the democratization of access to scientific knowledge in the field of education – respecting the focus and scope of the journal – as well as the promotion of productions that contribute to social justice, with special attention to gender equity, functional capacities and anti-racism.
3. Ethics in publication
The editorial policy of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) follows international standards for publishing and authorship, in accordance with the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Guide to good practices for strengthening ethics in scientific publishing.
4. Scope and focus
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) aims to disseminate academic production in the area of education, paying special attention to social inequalities. It includes interdisciplinary studies on issues related to gender, ethnic-racial relations, childhood, youth, school, work, family and public policies. It welcomes unpublished manuscripts from a variety of theoretical perspectives, prioritizing the publication of empirical, historical or documentary research. It includes book reviews and, exceptionally, essays and interviews. A reference for the development of researchers, the journal's evaluation criteria are: social relevance, theoretical and methodological contributions and the innovative nature of the studies.
The journal receives texts in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Manuscripts in English or French, if approved, must be translated into Portuguese, for bilingual publication. Articles accepted in Portuguese and Spanish may also be published in English.
5. Digital preservation
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) is linked to several national and international indexers to ensure the dissemination of its publications. In addition, its content is preserved digitally in the LOCKSS private network, through the PKP PN tool, and in SciELO.
6. Indexing sources
- Biblat – Bibliografía Latinoamericanaen revistas de investigación científica y social (Mexico)
- Dialnet – Fundación Dialnet – Universidad de La Rioja (Spain)
- Educ@ – Publicações Online de Educação (Brazil)
- Google Scholar
- IndexPsi Periódicos Científicos (BVS) (Brazil)
- Iresie – Índice de Revistas de Educación Superior e Investigación Educativa (Mexico)
- Latindex – Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Mexico)
- REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico) (Spain)
- Scopus (Netherlands)
Specialized portals
- Clase – Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Mexico)
- Inep/Cibec – BBE – Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (Brazil)
Open access scientific literature searchers
- Diadorim – Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras (Brazil)
- Doaj – Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)
Library catalogs
- EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek/Electronic Journals Library (Universität Regensburg – Germany)
7. Bibliographic information
- Journal title: Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas)
- Abbreviated title: Cad. Pesqui. (Fund. Carlos Chagas)
- Publication of: Fundação Carlos Chagas
- Publication frequency: annual
- Publication mode: continuous publishing
- Year of journal creation: 1971
- ISSN: 0100-1574 (print) | e-ISSN: 1980-5314
8. Website and social media
Information about the journal and its publications can be found on the website of Fundação Carlos Chagas (https://publicacoes.fcc.org.br/cp/index) and on the institution's social networks – LinkedIn and Instagram.
1. Preprints
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) welcomes unpublished manuscripts, understood as texts that have not been published in any scientific journal or book. Publications from scientific events (conference proceedings and seminars) must be reformulated in accordance with the journal's submission rules.
Respecting the SciELO guidelines, the journal accepts preprints, provided that they:
- have been published in repositories that show quality control of the files;
- have DOI assigned to the text;
- maintain indexed file metadata and are compliant with the FAIR principles.
If the first version of the text has been published in a repository, the information must be included in the submission metadata. In these cases, the evaluation will be carried out through a simple-anonymous process: the reviewer knows the authorship of the text, but the author does not have access to the reviewer's identification.
2. Peer review process
The originals received go through eight stages:
- Prior analysis of the editing team to verify that the submission is in accordance with the journal's standards (desk review). If not, the submission is rejected on grounds of form.
- Submission to the iThenticate 2.0 plagiarism and self-plagiarism control program: the objective is to verify if the text has already been published, in whole or in part, by the authors of the text.
- Prior evaluation by the Scientific Editors, who judge the relevance of the texts to the journal's editorial line; and the quality of the work and its potential contribution to the field of knowledge.
- Double-anonymous process: if it passes this initial screening, the manuscript is forwarded to experts in the field for evaluation on merit. Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas)adopts the double-anonymous system for peer review, preserving the identity of the author and the reviewer. The evaluation usually involves two reviewers. Eventually, the Scientific Editors may designate one of the editors for the evaluation. Reminder: in case of submission of preprints, the evaluation system, at this stage, will be simple-anonymous. On an experimental basis, the evaluation of preprints may take place through open peer reviews. Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) encourages authors and reviewers to adopt open peer review practices, in the following modalities: [i] open interaction between reviewers and authors, [ii] publication of reviews, [iii] publication of the name of the associate/section editor in the article. In any case, authors, reviewers or editors must declare agreement with such practices.
- Consolidated opinion: the opinions issued go through the analysis of the Scientific Editors, which will make a final decision by issuing a consolidated opinion. With this opinion, the author receives a communication informing them whether their text has been accepted, rejected or needs changes for publication. In the latter case, the reformulated article is subjected to a new round of evaluation by the initial reviewers and the Editors. The Scientific Editors reserve the right to refuse articles whose modifications do not satisfactorily comply with the requests made.
- Statistical review and proofreading process: once accepted for publication, the manuscripts undergo textual and statistical review (if applicable). At this stage, the reviewers may request adjustments and modifications, which the authors will have to comply with, so that the publication of the texts is subject to compliance with these adjustments.
- Final decision: sent to the person responsible for submitting the text to the journal, with information on the progress of the submission: accepted or rejected. The Scientific Editors reserve the right to refuse articles whose modifications do not satisfactorily comply with the requests made.
- New application of plagiarism analysis software (iThenticate 2.0), to check that the text was not published elsewhere during the evaluation process.
It should be made clear that submissions in the form of interviews and reviews are evaluated by the Scientific Editors, which will decide whether they should be published, according to the demands of the journal.
The average time required to evaluate manuscripts is approximately eight months. Once the article has been approved, a period of two months is estimated for the editing (revision, translation and layout) and publication.
3. Open data
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) begins the process of adhering to open science practices, in which authors are encouraged to make available all content (data, program codes and other materials) underlying the text of the manuscript. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. The objective is to contribute to the preservation and reuse of content and the reproducibility of research. The underlying content will be deposited in the SciELO Data repository, with DOI attribution and the possibility of public or controlled access.
4. Fee charges
Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) does not charge submission or article processing charges (APC) but, in the case of translations, these must be carried out by professionals indicated by the journal itself. The costs are the responsibility of the authors. Access is open and free.
5. Ethics and misconduct policy, errata and retraction
The journal's Scientific Editors implements its editorial policy with rigor and transparency. Its main responsibility is to guarantee the quality and integrity of the journal's content, as well as to comply with the established guidelines. Therefore, the board of editors collaboratively monitors their own actions.
The editorial board seeks to remain attentive to changes in the demands and trends of the educational field, and to follow the feedback of readers, authors and reviewers, as well as other journals, SciELO and other collectives and associations such as the Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos [Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors] (ABEC Brasil) and the Fórum de Editores de Periódicos da Área de Educação [Forum of Editors of Journals in Education] (Fepae). From this perspective, it remains attentive to the need to make adjustments in editorial policy, if necessary, to better serve society.
As such, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) seeks to act in a manner that strengthens ethics in scientific publishing, based on the following practices:
- Transparency of data and information: the editorial team remains vigilant to identify plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification of data, conflicts of interest and care with research involving the participation of human beings.
- Rigorous peer review: the peer review process is rigorous and unbiased. The reviewers appointed and selected to evaluate the articles must be knowledgeable about the subjects and methods covered in the texts, taking into account gender, ethnic-racial membership and diverse geographical origins, in order to minimize any biases that might compromise the editorial policy and its principles.
- Identification of plagiarism and self-plagiarism: through the tools used by the journal, suspicions of plagiarism and self-plagiarism are discussed and analyzed on a case-by-case basis, safeguarding confidentiality and respect for the parties involved in decision-making, including those that require legal action.
- Transparency and disclosure: the journal seeks to be transparent about its processes and criteria for selecting articles and keeps its communication channels open to the public, with authors and the community being able to contact the editorial team at any time. Also, with regard to transparency, authors must inform the sources of funding for the research published in the journal and report possible conflicts of interest in their texts.
- Retractions and corrections: once all the stages of the editorial process have been completed, authors must accept the final version of the text, take responsibility for its content and inform each author's contribution at the end of the manuscript (where applicable). If cases of misconduct are identified after the publication of an article, the journal will take the appropriate measures, which may involve: a) contacting the authors in the event of a claim of authorship by a third party; b) requesting documents proving that research involving human beings was approved by a research ethics committee; c) requesting justification when excessive self-citation is found; d) immediately withdrawing and deleting texts that have been produced from the fabrication of data and images. Suspected misconduct should be reported to the editorial team using the channels provided for contacting Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas). The editorial team may also create committees, composed of internal and external members, to analyze suspicions and evidence of misconduct. The published manuscript in which misconduct is identified will remain indexed in the SciELO database as retracted. The retraction must be documented by the author or the editor-in-chief and published in the same journal. The retraction may be partial, when the misconduct concerns a part of the text, as long as it does not compromise the text as a whole. Possible errors or failures that do not arise from misconduct may be corrected through errata. The journal Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) will publish errors, corrections and retractions whenever necessary, and will follow the temporality and conditions of its editorial flow based on SciELO guidelines.
- Education and awareness: periodically, the journal may promote education and awareness of ethics in scientific research, among authors and among reviewers and editors, by reviewing its ethical guidelines as well as conducting seminars and other activities related to the integrity of educational research.
- Follow-up and monitoring: the journal constantly follows-up and monitors compliance with good ethical practices. For this reason, it regularly analyzes authors' conduct, feedback from reviewers and readers, and statistical analysis of relevant indicators such as approval and rejection rates and review times. By adopting and promoting these good practices, the journal seeks to strengthen ethics in scientific publishing and contribute to the integrity and reliability of academic research.
6. Conflict of interest policy
Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors. The act of submission implies the absence of any financial, commercial, political, academic or personal conflicts of interest. If there are potential conflicts of interest related to the research or publication of the manuscript, the authors of the texts must inform, in a footnote, the relations with funding agencies, as well as with commercial and political institutions. They must make it clear that the financial or material support received is clearly stated in the text submitted.
7. Use of similarity checking software
To fight plagiarism, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) uses iThenticate 2.0, under an agreement with SciELO.
8. Gender and sex issues
The Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) editorial team, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (Sager) guidelines. The Sager guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. In addition, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) observes gender equity policy in the training of its editorial team.
9. Ethics Committee
The ethical procedures established for scientific research must be informed whenever human beings are involved. The anonymity of research participants must be guaranteed, except in cases in which the identification has been allowed. Both the authorization and the restriction on the identification of the subjects must be informed in a footnote in the body of the article. The dissemination of images of people or institutions must follow the same principle.
10. Copyright
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
a. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication. Published texts are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which allows its sharing.
b. Authors are authorized to sign additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
c. Authors are permitted and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their personal page), after the editorial process has concluded.
11. Intellectual property and terms of use
The ideas and opinions expressed in the published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors, and do not necessarily reflect the journal’s opinion.
During the review process, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundação Carlos Chagas) reserves the right to make small formal changes in the text, while respecting the authors’ opinion and style.
12. Sponsors
Ficha catalográfica
Cadernos de Pesquisa, n. 1, jul. 1971, Fundação Carlos Chagas, São Paulo
Somente on-line a partir de 2020 e contínua a partir de 2021.
Publicação da Fundação Carlos Chagas.
ISSN: 0100-1574 (impresso)
e-ISSN: 1980-5314 (on-line)
1. Educação. 2. Pedagogia. I. Fundação Carlos Chagas.
II. Departamento de Pesquisas Educacionais/FCC. III. Título.
CDU 37
Ficha elaborada por: Ana Maria de Souza CRB-8/5580, Biblioteca Ana Maria Poppovic (Bamp)